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It will pay you to see us about this. Sea front or sea view indispensable. Send full descriptioVi of property with terms, etc. Advertiser prefers to deal direct with owner. Shot the Missionary The days that, followed were full of horror.

Several deaths followed, and more funerals took place, horrible fun- erals with the mourners full of fear. Mahatlaw los,t, wife and,; daughter,! The priest asked what troubled him. The charge entered the missionary's hand, and he ran from the chief's house,. Meanwhile tribesmen were shouting and seeking the fugitive chief, who. The missionary, thinking death was hearj bravely super- intended the bandaging of his wounds, and sent Indian messengers to Victoria,.

When the shooting of the priest took place—the would-be murderer being im- pressed, -that the missionary deserved death for failing to stop the smallpox— a canoo was sent to Refuge cove where a sister of the chtef lived with her hus- band and she was taken forcibly from her husband and landed in front of the priest's house to be sacrificed, in expia- tion of what her brother had done. For- tunately for her the wounded priest was lnform-ed and ordered that she be released and guarded from harm.

Then H. Rocket came, eleven days after the shooting, just in time, for the Inflammation had become dangerous. Rcdfern, the warship's surgeon, they held a con- sultation and decided that the victim should be brought here, where he land- ed the day the news came of the loss of the Pacific with people.

The doc- tors declared that even If It were pos- sible to save his hand tho two first angers would have to go. His reply was ' worthy of the man. Welcomed Back It was six months before the mis- sionary recovered and returned to the west coast villas. H] a Welcome back was an unique one. The tribe hold a potlatch In honor of his homecoming.

Impatient, longing for a breath of fresh air— but he did not stir until the ceremonies were over. It was his home- coming feast. Sale price. Silk Girls' Colored Dresses in checks, zephyrs, plain xhambrays, linens and navy blue with white dots, ages 6 to 14 years. Sale Misses' Colored Dresses in stripes, checks and plain patterns, ages 10 to 14 years—. Regu- lar 90c. Sale price,. Sale prices from as low as Sale price Sale price Bonnets and Hats Regular up to 75c.

Those Golfers Arrived. Have r- Chrlstianity to Shamaniam. In his "Re- miniscences" n. Very WW ni. IM sofoaror does not jeai In AraffS nor us. His fr. In Rev. He made a rule that no men should come to lils house unlesa they wore them, j had dled» the "This was hard on th-e Indians," he said, "for they had always considered this covering of the lower limbs as superfluous — a real bother. But 1 was inexorable. Trousers or remain out- side.

The first visitors were careful In carrying out the rule. A young chief, a boy of about ten years of age, came with his aunt. The boy was in his shirt- tails nnd had a blanket on hlr shoulders and o small bundle under his arm. When ten steps from the door he sat pa B driftwood log and opened the hittetle. When he left he sat down outside, drew off the bothersome garment and handed them over to hia aunt. Life Crowded With Incident Many indeed were the Incidents that were crowded in the veteran mission- ary's residence of 33 years at Hes- itiolt.

Maine, which drove ashore In Many were the rlaks the missionary ran. Once he had been shot because he failed to keep smallpox away, and several times he waa threatened, usually by the parents of someone who auperstttloua Indiana holding that the missionary should have prevented death. Wewlke, an Indian boy who had been Imprisoned for six months In Victoria for breaking into a trader's store had returned, and died oi cor.

Friends warned tho missionary, but he did not draw 'back from his duty, and went to the house to prepare the boy for burial. Once a decoy message was sent, but the priest took a companion with him, and the Intended murder was not attempted.

The Indians refused to permit burial for Wewlke; the body was encased In a box decorated with blankets and perched high on' the branches of a tree after the ancient fashion. Year by year though he patiently strove to oust the auperstitlona, and gradually the teaching had Its effect, but the work was not done without hardship and suffering; wild trips by canoe through great aeas at imminent peril, danger of treacherous assassin- ation by misguided, benighted Indians bffogged by superstition, lack of crea- ture comforts, and exile were cheer- fully suffered by the veteaan mission- ary.

When he first landed among the savages of the then' desolate coast - they were wild, Immoral, treacherous. Steadily, though, the teaching had Its effect.

The tribespeople. Continued on Face 11, CoL S. Agents i» The Booh,? O0 Quarterly. In the United Kingdom. We may now be able to see at once what the result will be. The tour, which, these gentlemen are mak- ing of the Dominion, is a hurried one. Impressions vffiust have crowded thick and fast upon each other In their minds, and they can hardly as yet have had time to digest them.

There are two results which Canadians hope will Mow from their tour. One Is that they will see their way clear to adopt cuch lines of policy in their several lines of business that they will enjoy a gr ea t e r a ti a r a u the m a r kets a t C a n. Of course it was neces- sary to cross the mountains to reach the Pacific Coast; but every one knows that the late Mr. Hays would have been welt satisfied to have left that part of the enterprise for future consideration.

But Sir Wilfrid Laurier wanted a transcontinental railway, and so he Insisted that there should be no two bites in the cherry; nevertheless, in the arguments made by him in favor of constructing a through line, he had very little to say about the potentiali- ties of that part of British Columbia which- the railway traverses.

The rea- son of this was that he did not know mu c h a bout I t, — A s we wo w r sooll th e George of more or less doubtful mem- ory. The Fourth of July stands for self-government That our ItsVhavc not realized this prin- ciple In practice Rj as full an cm aa we have may be conceded; never- theleas the world owes a heavy debt to the men, who had the courage to de- clare themselves free from the rule or anyone but themselves.

The ill-feeling occasioned by the Am- erican revolution passed away long ago; but It is only recently that the British people have begun to realise that the Declaration of Independence was ah as- sertion by British peopfe of rights to which they believed they were entitled, and which It seemed impossible for them to secure recognition In any other way.

That deed determined the course of British institutions, and If we are the freest people under the sun. It is right that a few words should be said about our fellow Victorians, who yet retain their American citizen- ship. They are excellent members of the. They add to our busi- ness and social life many admirable elements.

They are public spirited and enterprising. They are as fine a lot of ladles and gentlemen as any city could wish to number among its Inhabitants We would like to add a brief apprecia- tion of Mr.

Abraham Smith, who for the past fifteen years has represented the United States government here as consul. He has made friends innum- erable. His unfailing-courtesy, his gen- uineness, his breadth of view and his public spirit admirably fit him for the dignified «nd Important pos't which he fills, arid which we hope he will long continue to AIL The name of the White Hope does not appear to be Flynn.

Champ Clark says Bryan defeated him in the Baltimore convention, and. Chump should here- after be his name. We submit that tin- suiii.

The condemnations are altogether too sweeping. Undoubt- edly subdivisions have been put upon the market without any justification at all and. On the other hand, there are many which are entirely leg- itimate, and offer real Investments. It Is not easy to know where to draw the line; because in very many Instances the value of lots in subdivisions is a matter of opinion. We use the word fraud to signify the pub- lication of misleading statements. If a man in Xrfmdon or Toronto buys a lot under the impression that It Is where it is not a fraud has been committed against him.

Xo one ought to have to be told that even a rapidly growing prairie city is not likely to spread miles upon miles in every direction within many,, many years; but the trouble is that so few people are able, eyen with the facts be- fore them, to come to a sensible con- clusion. There Is only one consolation, namely, that those who buy lots in in- defensible subdivisions, would probably lose their money In some other way, If this one were not open to them.

It la safer than betting on a horse race, and disappointment is not likely to be u keen. IV Is a great pity that wild-cat subdivisions cannot be prevented, for they do a great deal of harm to legit- imate business, A KemarJtable Predict loa. British America would In a few years present to the world a great and powerful organization, bound Indlssolubly to the throne of England by a community of interests and unit- ed to it by the vice-royalty of one of Un- promising sons of our beloved queen, whose virtues have enthroned her In the hearts of her subjects In every sec- tion of our empire, upon which the sun never sets" The prediction has been fulfilled by the present vice-royalty of H.

And In the disposition of the varying even- The Hon. Bar Qrey presided and in- troduced Mr. That time has passed, and in the large and majestic proportions of tine super- structure were beginning to be appar- ent.

Last year the railways were un- able to handle the vast western crops In the time at their disposal. Speaking of the lure of the United States In the days when the greatness pf Canada's future had not yet begun to reveal Itself to the great majority of Its people, and 8,, Canadian born had crossed the border, Mr. There is no lack, of capital, but ttiere is a lack of. Within two years the rails cm the Hudson Bay railway will reach the waters of the bay, and a new- route to Europe will be opened, "in ten years from now it will be the same.

Our seaports have sudden- ly awakened to. Today optimism is on the highest deck In the Dominion at Canada. In the next fifty years , people will enter Canada as Immigrants annually. When a man goes from Xova Scotia to -'British Co- lumbia he is simply moving,. What Tea- sons are there that a. He is simply moving, not 'going out' loud applause. A citizen of one part should - be a citizen of another. A man should simply have transferred his home, and not his national characteristics, when.

Shall we lie down and confess that we' can- not make the necessary organization to keep the empire one? Shall we not consult together and work together, and so build up an empire which in the past has done so much for civil- ization, and has so much to do? Docs any one believe Chat the empire has fulfilled Us mission to the world? This can only be done by calling to the seats of council the best wisdom that the empire holds beneath Its wide skies and broad fields.

Lord Grey sold he wished Mr. He hoped this Initial adoption of Ca- nadian club rules would be followed by the adoption of the prlnclnle of having a national speech once a Week through the winter. Parkin then called for a standing vote of thanks and cheers and iod-speed for Lord Grey, not only in connection with his having pre- sided that day, but In connection vith his departure next.

Louis collegi were held on Thursday at - p tn Rev. Rev D. Shanahao After l!! Father [.. Their success or failure In life depended wholly upon their efforts, for they would get no 1 more out of life thaifthcy put Into It. The work of education must be con- tinued after school days because what was learned at school was soon forgot- ten, The advice of a cultured man that a line should be written "every day in order to preserve and perfect the found- ation that had been laid at school.

A short address was given by each of the other clergymen present, after which the exercises were brought to a dose. The following is a list of the prize winners: — William J. Bert Sullivan, Christian doctrine, five dollars in gold, given by Rev. James Mc-Arthur, Es- quimau. Conni e Wi e l iey , Dlbl e hl e t or n -goW- ada than is now theirs. Canada needs goods of a certain kind, and in many cases they are not such as find ready sale In the Mother Country. A new land like ours buys different things from what an old settled coun- try like Great Britain requires.

But British energy and British capital ought to be able to overcome this handicap. It Is for our visitors and men like them' to determine how this can be best accomplished. Canadians as a rule would prefer to buy goods of British manufacture; but they will only buy what they require, and will not take something else simply be- cause It Is made In Britain.

The other result for which we hope ta that the observations of par visitors will lead to the investment of more British capital here. Millions upon millions of British money have come to Canada for railways, municipal » orks and government loans; but not anything like a due amount has come for investment In industries or inland. In one way this has not made very much difference. A dollar Is a dollar whether It comes across the In- ternational boundary line or across the ocean; but there is a very general feel- ing of regret that so few British peo- ple of means saw their way clear to buy Umber and other areas in Canada « when they were In the market Can- adians would much prefer to have their vacant areas, which have passed out of the hands of the -Crown, held by their fellow subjects; but the latter have been slow to see the opportuni- tles, which the people from the United Slates quickly seized upon.

One ex- planation of this is that the British investor did not understand the sit- uation as the American investor did. Many United States concerns have established branches in Canada, and more will do so in the future. We do not expect a British manufacturer or capitalist to engage in business or invest his money in Canada unless he can see n profit in so doing. We have no right to at tempi to tell other people what i ley sii,,ii flo. It was a praiseworthy attempt to uphold the name of his province; but he could not tell very much of a defin- ite nature, because neither he nor any- one else knew very much that was def- inite to tell.

There have always been a few pioneers, whose faith in the la»d was unbounded. It may be recalled that Dr. George M. Dawson had a very high opinion of it, and that he intimat- ed that more detailed exploration than ho was able to make -would disclose much of value. Dawson never made a mistake in his forecasts, and events have proved that he was right in re- spect to British Columbia. Here we would like to digress for a moment to pay a brief tribute to this great patriotic man of science: What Canada owes to Dr.

Dawson can never be fully measured. The observations of Mr. He has brought back from his tour information of a very timely and valuable character. He has rounded out, so to speak, our knowledge of the route of the new rail- way across the province.

We had al- ready learned that in the Skeena valley and the lateral valleys connected with it there ars large areas adapted to set- tlement. We had already been told of the advantages of. The Nechaco country was known to be of exceptional vtllue, and we had been assured that in the tributuary areas there were many hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land.

We did not know authoritatively about the upper part of the Fraser valley. This in- formation Mr. Ross has supplied, and we can now assert with confidence that practically all the country along the line of the G.

Pacific through British Columbia will be occupied by farmers or be the seat of Important industries. The public will await with interest t o- report, of the next 'discoverer. Her course of action, we repeat, will be guided greatly by force of circumstances — Ot- tawa Journal. P, toria. JULY rOCBTH The citizens of the i hitod States, who make their home in Victoria celebrated the natal day of their country yester- day In appropriate style In g picnic, It Is one of the signs of the times thai such a tiling can he, and thai the peo pie nf Victoria are alwaya ready to as- sist them In making their celebration n success, I!

Father Brabant to his long rest. The deceas- ed priest was a man of noble qualities. Apparently Mr. Roosevelt docs not propose to tako his hat out of the ring. The progresslvists are going to or- ganize and the Irrepressible colonel will be their leader. He may find thai the country Is considerably bigger than an man In It. Collier's tells The Colonist that Brlt- l. Brother, we have him with us now. None of these works have been complete. The hero of Khartoum would undoubtedly b» an ideal head of the war office, on the ground, above all, of his wonderjul talent for organization and the strength" and independence of his character.

Un- fortunately our system of party politics has always stood in the way pf the ideal man, and it must be confessed that Colonel Seely. So far as the- house of commons Is con- cerned, the change will not be great, as Colonel Seely has for the past few months represented the department there.

We hope that his military ex- perience will cause him to listen with an unbiassed mind to the advice of the experts, who ought to have the fate of the British army In their hands. Students of Canadian history await with Interest the appearance during the present summer of Hon.

James Young's second volume on the public men and public life of Canada as he has known them. His first volume, published sev- eral years ago, dealt with the political struggles between Upper and Lower Canada which preceded confederation.

The second half of fbe work now to be given to the public, contains his person- al impressions and reaollectlons of the events surrounding confederation in These are followed by memories of the first three parliaments of the Dominion, of which he Is one of the few surviving members. From The Gale Reporter we learn that the forthcom- ing volume throws new light on Lord Monck, Sir John Macdonald, Alexander Mackeinsle uhd other great figures of the last half of the nineteenth century.

Jt Is said that the second part of the work, like the first. Is unmarrcd by political bias. In any event the book will be welcomed as a genuine addition to the trustworthy annals of the coun- try contributed by one of its most aged and most highly respected public men.

William J. QflliSSie has had previous prison ex- perience, in March last he was released from the N'ew Westminster peniten- tiary, whither he was sent to serve out s sentence for obtaining goods under false pretences.

While In the peniten- tiary he succeeded In making his es- cape, hut wis rernpturci and given an additional four months.

Citizens on Foot Have the Sight of Way. Such a law Is a Just recognition of the truth that citizens mi foot have the right of w n y on thai public streets ,i a aitoinst vehicular iraffic.

A collision With a n BUtomObile may be more im- mediately fatal than '"' experience of being trampled under the feet of horses, ground under the wheels of a lorry, or being run down by s bicycle, none of these experiences being con- ductive to the health or long life of the victim — Toronto Telegram. Alex Tourigny. Joseph Bertuecl, draw'ng; flye dollars in gold, given by the SOhOol board.

Louis Bcker, Irish history; gold madi al, given by Mr. John Hart. Roland Dubois, highest average; gold medal, given by Fitzjatrick and O'Con- nell. Kdward Clarke, geography; leather purse contains one silver dollar, given by Rev. Leterme- William J. Fltzpatrick, penmanship: fountain pen, given by Rev. Mac- Donald and Rev. Louis J. Ecker, for the best essay on Victoria; five dollars in gold, given by the school hoard.

Keneim Yonge. Gerald Fagan, Ralmond Heal. Grade IT. Grade III. Albert Rivers. Grade IV. Grade V. Grade VI. Grade VIII. Here are no Eng- lish, Irish, French, but just the one Canadian.

There Is no other condi- tion of national greatness. In the lodse- roomi on Tnmrtay, July If, for the Installa- tion of officers. Ail members not having as yet paid tbsse Are asked to send them In at once, cere of the Alexandra club, when they wilt be added on to their respective lists.

J Professor "W. MacDonald, the new live. MacDonald has been for some years the professor of Animal Husbandry at Pullman college and was in charge of the organizing and administration of the farmers' in- stitutes of the State of Washington. MacDonald has been preaching the keeping of livestock to the farm- ers of the State of Washington for some years.

At first it was an uphill work. However, Mr. Qurs are different. Maynard ' I3 r 3 Douglas, Below Yates. Our stock is Jfcwt? These will outlast any ordinary hammock.

Sejftct from values' at Duck Block. Special Prices to Bandmasters All popular phrrt at popular Q prices. Piano Tuning. They are Exceptional quality material and make.

Today's price. Sale price, 3 pairs for. Actual' values uo to? Sale price 35c to. To Clear Secure at once. Note the sale price. To clear at. Sale price Actual valu e C" ' - domes. In white, grey, green, blue and mauve! Sizes 3 to 8 s -'5- Sale price 50 plain, also lacev effects.

To be cleared at Exactly Half square collars, hand silk. S procures either a delightfully tasteful silk Pri ce. Size 2 to 4 years. Originally s. Jne f0r the w , eekend ; s a clearing line in cream and white Hair Braid Hats for misses and young ladies. OSr- H AT 5. This is an unusually high grade Whiskey of great age, especially recommended for medicinal use as a pure and healthful stimulant, whilst it regales the palate of connoisseurs with that soft creamy effect which is a guarantee of perfection in Whiskies.

Grocery Dept. At home or at sea, it keeps things Ship Shape. An ideal disinfectant. Try our Angel Cakes. Police Hold Keys. Cadet Camp n.. Meeting Postponed —Tlte in. Mil lor,. Charged With Theft— OR.

Glider, charged with ' stealing He wa» released on hail of Province Acquires Land — The piece of land known as the "Wheal-Tamar" min- eral claim in the Kamloops mining div- ision of Yale, has been handed over by the dominion to the province. It con- sists or Steele, hook- keeper of the Westholme hotel, of which premises the sheriff has been in charge.

After hearing the evidence the magistrate said that a technical assault had been committed, and ftned the sheriff one dollar. Tho interior arrangements of the Jantes Bay and Victoria West halls have been improved, and better accommodation for the apparatus and men furnished. Work on the erection of the new fire hall at the corner of Duchess street and Leighton road has commenced.

Mill worker Injured— Mota Singh, a Hindu workman engaged at the Cam- eron Lumber company's mill, Garbally road, sustained a fracture of the right ley last night shortly before" eight o'clock, when a log which he and others were handling rolled against him, knocking him down and crushing the' limb. The police patrol and the ambu- lance of the Victoria Transfer company Were summoned. Josephs hospital. As the total assessment on lands and improvements this ' year aggregates Teamster Mned— James Sedgwick, a teamster, was charged with using obscene language, and was fined in police court yesterday.

Morphy appeared for the defence. The teamster said he was on Blanchard street when Constable Taylor came, and said he was abusing his team, which he de- nied. The policeman then struck him, and arrested him.

Another teamster, called for the defence, de- nied that any bad language had been used. A Motor Case— Mr. Taylor -was charged in the city poHce -court yester- day morning with not having tail lights burning on a motor car. He promptly stated that he had not own- ed the car in question for several months past, xne magistrate inform-" ed him that this made no difference, the car being registered in his name, and he would 'be fined Taylor, and an amended in- formation whs put in and read, charg- ing the offense against Mr.

Cook, who was assessed the Library Bulletin — The second nfbnthly bulletin of the public library was issued yesterday, and, besides a summary of the Dewey classification, according to which the books are shelved contains the titles of many new books which now- available.

A considerable section is devoted to gardening books, and under thl. Unwin, which comes at an opportune moment. Under Literature may be noted a work by that master of style, Walter Pnter. Maeterlinck Rostand and 8ud are represented by dramas, and in fiction additions h bean made to the novels of u.

Bnlldlng Permits -With but r. Wilson ftClough, dwelling on Clawthorpe street, 91,; to Mr. Hedges, dwelling on Ed- monton road, Jl. OiiO, to Mr. Mc- Kim. W'nrthlnKton, on ens tor ey brick bnlldlng at the corner of Cormorant and. Store streets. Wilmshurst, dwelling on Blackwood street. The with which settlers are pouring these districts has made it , provide greater facilities for the record- ing of pre-emptions.

EdWmrd Smith has been appointed temporarily by the department of agriculture to make Investigations and experiments in the pre-eoollng and storage of fruit and its transportation and Is proceed- ing at once to Summerland to study the conditions there.

Of urn spst h. Agente for Butterlck Pattern.. C here Mr. Smith visited a well knowa authority on these subjects. Pratt at Portland, and also the Salem and Puyallup districts where plants of this nature are in. Walton had become cognt. Trf d. Gordon Honter. Is ,,. Vi, ESWal Bhower. Atlin iri h. J Winnipeg. OWftft ,. Only an expertv could tell -it from cuts that would cost twice as much.

Ask to See These Today. Employment Department When you need men, telephone If you want work, see us. This department can serve both employer and men out of work. Give us a chance to help you. Telephone W. Phone F Sea Frontage to Port McNeill, acres crown grant land with sea frontage, 50 acres cleared, some stock and implements. Let us tell you how little it costs. Limited Fort St. A year test has proved its merits. Always specify "Malthoid. Waterproof Build- ing Paper Odorless and clean; gives real satisfaction.

Less Ash. Tuesday Is the Last Day There is just a week left in which to order your suit. Next Tues- day is the last day of our sale. A full range oi sizes. We intend going out of Men's Goods entirely. Regular 50c and 60c. Today, garment ;. Today, pair.? Today t fc. Westcott a tacCall's Patterns. The li»1 stands at 28 and, with one or two exceptions, the injured are all doing well. The following are still reported missing: Mrs. Doyle, Mis. Dean, Alice Hittherlln, Belle Labatu.

Mulli- gan, carpenter: Mr. Harg reaves and company. All the victims of the storm have now been buried with the exception of Vincent 'Smith, concerning whose buf» lal instructions are being: awaited.

Niagara Falls, many excursionists had boarded No. Long before. Bound — re? When the heavy. J-be engine was uncoupled and' put at work to push the dead end of the freight into a aiding to allow No. The work was slow, and during the watt many pas- sengers in the day coach got out Heap- while the signals had been thrown against No.

These, failed to stop the express, and the crash followed. In a BtUd? U r This Ih dm- to the remarkable abund- ance of the salmon whii-ii run to the Fraser every fourth year If you study the Btatmeents. The reports of the fish- eries department of the provincial gov- ernment and of the state of Washing- ton for the year estimated the num- bers caught which could not be used at over eight millions. In that year the salmon which escaped capture reached the spawning beds of the watershed of the Kraser, which covers many thousands of miles of water,— -In such vast num- bers as to Cover every available foot of water suitable for spawning.

In -many sections thousands upon thousands of salmon upon the spawn- ing beds were literally crowded from the water on to the banks where the. I visited the beds that year during the run and "the conditions which I have described I personally observed.

Incidentally you must understand what it took your fishery authorities at home so long to understand,— that is that all Pacific coast salmon die after spawning once, that none enter the rivers except when sexually mature and that 'none that enter our rivers from the seas ever again return to the sea— they all die after spawning.

Protection Afforded The description given is for the greatest. We are selling Miss Miller's "Annie Laurie" this month together with a long list of other new Edison records. You can hear them demonstrated at will any week day. The de- mand is strong so act quickly. The government of the province is alive to, the im- portance of its vast fisheries wealth and while It extends a welcome to both fishermen and operators, it has placed limitations upon the salrwjn-flshlng waters of the north, wherever in the judgment of its fishery commissioner the salmon have been exploited to the extent that the abundance of their run apparently warrants.

On the Naas, the Skeena and Rivers Inlet, there Is ft limitation placed upon the total number of boats which may be fished and additional canneries will not be licensed. Because in? These limitations have not been enacted with a -xjew to giving either the fishermen or tne5«, ner a monopoly but solely, to ensure that sufficient fish shall 'reach the spawning beds each year so as to per- petuate the run.

When service to the empire can be so united with material prof. But I would point out to you that! Across the Pacific vis-a-vis with us, the Island empire of Japan has begun the task. Although four years ago not a single trawler had been sent forth from their ship yards, last year over a hundred vessels operated from their ports on the great banks for food fishes off- the Aleutian Islands, in ihe No-man's waters contiguous to us as to Japan, and In addition to this, last year si additional steam trawlers Were laid down in their ship yards, vessels as high as tons, in British Columbia waters today there is but one steam trawler operating.

Mineral Production The mineral production of the pro- vince was dealt wilh by Mr. William Blakemore, who said: nntinuml on Pn«f «, Col. American r Standard Orchestra. JPongee Silk.

Box For a Quick Sale each 2 choice. Easy terms. Price Tft« want your listings as we have clients waiUng to 'iW ' btannard Avenue. One-quarter cash, balance «. Price, each. It saves a lot of feeling. What's the time? Two d'izen styles in various sizes. Setting up and delivery free. The United States tariff had held back the timber industry, which was a good thing. This had conserved the timber. The principal timber was the Douglas fir, a' cross between hemlock and pine, the most Important timber.

It grew in places , feet to a single acre. He measured one tree feet in leng-th. Many trees were from to 'years of age. Red cedar ; was next In importance. One tree at Cowichan measured feet in circum- ference and many were 60 feet in cir- cumference. This' cedar is used ex- tensively for shingles and Interior de- corations. Its usual size was three to four feet in diameter and it grew to eight feet, and was a food commercial wood! Menzles spruce found in the valleys,- especially on the" west coast, was noxt in importance It was found most in the north.

The spruce grows to a large size. Some red cedar was two thousand years old, having started to grow in the time of Christ. The spruce was largely Uped for box making and pulp. Cottonwood was also u S ed for pulp. Many Wands of the Fraser were covered with It. Vancouver [Sland'S Umbet s all accessible, clo se to the wafer, all within reach. Not a tree was over twenty-five miles from water. Sutton has already called your Attention to our marvelous coast line The accessibility f our an ,, n u1i] waters has been and must continue to be the key note to commercial promin- ence.

During the same year there was marketed in the United States. In one particular alone have we excelled and that is in the whaling, industry. Modern steam whal- ing in which operation all portions of the mammal are utilized, had its incep- tion on the Pacific coast by a company operating from this city. Today it cm- Ploys ten whalers as against some four operated from United States ports and its catch yearly Is Increasing. In hali- but, cod and herring fishing we are lamentably backward.

But I take it that you have not Journied for so long with Mr. Starke- Browne without having your fill as to the wealth of the marine products readily reached from our ports and that other provinces and other cities have sung 1 to you of their vast fields, extensive forests and mineral wealth until your heads are turned with the potentialities of this glorious land and that you are now quite ripe for a real fish story, so I shall ask your indul- gence for a few minutes and really talk to you about salmon.

In the combined sockeye salmon pack of Puget Sound and Kraser river district reached high-water mark with a total of 2,, oases. Kach case contained 4S one-povind cans or their equivalent, Riving a total of 07, The aver- age number of fish to the case that year was Hence that «r«at pack represented over 26, Incredible as these figures may ay- pear to you.

A A Warder, it c. O,, to SSgar K. Joaeph'l hn»pital. In 1,1. Kunernl notice later. Barnabas rhurcti. Miller will offlctate oabb or nuunci Mr. Morrison and family, of San Juan avenue, wish to thank those friends for the kind sympathy shown during their late sad bereavement. Engineers and Machinists Attention! Phone iai9 Lang-ley Street. Randle, District Inspector. Christine's, Fort St.

Hinton Electric Co. I 'hi me In sayine? Analysing the icbedule 1,1 1, Taking an aver- age or all these aggregations, we get the one-third total production of which I have spoken. When 1 remind you that the popula- tion of this province is still under half a million, and that lode mining upon which our production of gold, silver and copper is dependent, only had its real commencement twenty years ago, you will realize that the de- velopment has been striking, and that comparison with older mining pro- vinces is not to our disadvantage.

An Important feature of this mineral production to which I would specially direct your attention is that coal and coke take the lead. Owing to the dis- astrous strike in the Crow's Nest dis- trict last year, which laid the mines idle for more than half the year, there was a decrease In the output as com - pared with — the — previous — ynar, when The inducements offered with common soaps cannot make up lor the purity of Sunlight Soap.

It costs US more to make pure soap ; but it costs YOU less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes, as it does not wear and rub the fabrics like common soaps do. They proven 1 lliat it is not only the most luscious and dcliciou all fruits, but an invaluable agent for health. It is a deliglit on hot days blended with bold sparking mineral water. Last Call for Strawberries Trils week «'. Please order at on'ce.

Johnston and Quadra. Cordova Bay and Cadboro Stage. Salt Spring Island Farm? Also la. This property Is less than half a mil. Mouat Ganges. This coal-field covers six hundred miles. It is all anthracite or semi-nntlu ai I tc. This property Is '. The coal is bituminous with an average of 56 per cent, of fixed carbon; the property has been reported' on and endorsed by the well-known geologist.

W, Galloway, for- merly of Cardiff, and is estimated by him to contain at least There is not time to amplify my re- marks on the intimate relation between -eoal m i ni ng and alt -the other- indu s t r i es - of the province, but two thoughts sug- gest themselves when we compare the figures for with those for The first is the extent to which the mineral and smelting industries are de- pendent upon coal.

During the coal strikes smelters were obliged to close down for lack of fuel, and the produc- tion' of copper "and lead suffered ac- cordingly. I cannot too strongly em- phasize the very important fact that we have in British Columbia not only.

Basis of Industries The other thought suggested by out extensive coal production Is. It would be. Leaving placer gold out of considera- tion for the moment, because the opera- tions are not considerable, I would re- mind yon that for twenty years the southern part of the province, and es- pi dally the Kootcnay, has been the home of lode mining. But with the general development which is now tak- ing place it is by no means certain that within a few years the discoveries made in Its northern sections may not place the southern portion of the prov- ince in the background.

There is no time to particularize at any length, or lit -would bo easy to speak of Important discoveries- oh the Skeena river, in the Portland canal country. The value of these discoveries is attested in the import- ant Investments made and the opera- tions undertaken.

In the Portland Can- fcl district by Messrs. Mackenzie and Mann and the Granny mining company, the. It is perhaps more interesting, how- ever, to he able to speak of the re- morknble' distribution of the coal areas of the province. Kfin tons over the previous year. Industries of the province has more than offset t'i« Inroads of foe] oil on the market. Ten vp. Now Coal Areas Bui I 1, 1 hurry on to mention the Tii, meal iroportani or these is. Reftn«in«nti of wol'-a? In lovaljr Bnaron Hill Hark.

Number llmlta«t. Outline- »;,,irt« Prepared for Hull' nc«s L. Thran uinncln. Summit i-rir.. April 15th. This successful attempt at deep mining has had and will continue to have a mark- ed effect on the future of the Slocan.

Copper Production "So reference to the mining indus- try of British Columbia would he com- plete without mentioning the Granny with an average output of l. A property which has produced about 7. As a pioneer of the movement. T know there are difficulties in the way, and I know ex- actly what those difficulties are. They arise mainly from the high cost Of coke and the high cost of labor; but the two combined are not sufficient to prevent success If the industry receives the sup- pert to which it Is entitled and which it has heen accorded by dominion end provincial governments In the maritime provinces.

The development.. It wai n COatly development. The amassmenta advanced from twenty-alght milllona la lion to ninety milllona, an Increase of per cent. The linpruvemeuta Increased from It0. C0O In 'J to »«,« The Increase In the valu'- "f the land was remarkable. Ninety per cent of the people live In houses owned by themselves, hi aguinst oo« par Cent In Enjj- liind. Ross, followed. II- proposed a toast to the health of the guests, speak- ing. In eloquent terms, and the banquet waa brought to ti close with the sln»!

Her genial- smile disarmed whatever formal- ity might have been preconceived as correct attitude toward one whose work has received the encouragement of kings and queens", and who herself was the. And' that was precisely the idea that her' presence conveyed- — one of loving motherllness in whose big heart there would be room for all.

Since you have called me. In He magnitude of which is embrace. II InriCh I. She has appeared before the lnverna- lionfil peace congresses on numerous occasions. White for the maritime pro- vinces this afternoon, only two ministers of the cabinet are left at the capital tq conduct the business of the government. Perley and Hon. Nan- tel, minister of Inland revenue, remain. There will be no cabl. Mad because he didn't send what you ordered or didn"t send when he promised.

The purity of our groceries, the cleanliness of our store and the effi- ciency of our service all ensure that when you deal at the "West End" you'll never be mad at your grocer. West End Grocery Co. Phones 28—88 — Clive Cheesman. This chapter looks at the granting and confirming of coats of arms by the English kings of arms in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. It argues that the subject can scarcely be tackled without sensitive awareness of two aspects that are not always given full or equal weight.

One relates to the theory of the Early Modern grant of arms. The best way of understanding the doggedness with which the kings of arms defended their activities, the irony or outright ridicule with which those activities were viewed by outsiders and the severity with which monarchs and Earls Marshal tried to govern them, is to take seriously the language of the time which represented a grant of arms as a grant of gentility.

Later doctrine abandoned this position, but it is clear that contemporaries regarded the grant as more than a recognition of status; it was a conferment of status. But one should not forget that coats of arms were to be seen, and the way they looked mattered.

There were visual and aesthetic questions which might affect their fitness for purpose. Indeed their design might make their newness all too apparent, in which case the newness of the armiger's gentility was on display. The two aspects, individually significant, are thus intertwined, and the historian of the gentry, as well as noting who was granted arms, needs to look at the design of those arms to stand a chance of understanding the phenomenon.

An analysis of the heraldic terminology in English compared with Czech plus a dictionary of heraldic terms. Athanassios Nick. Explaining terms frequently used in works on architecture, arms, bronzes, Christian art, colour, costume, decoration, devices, emblems, heraldry, lace, personal ornaments, pottery, painting, sculpture, with their derivations.

Steen Clemmensen. It is astonishing that a sheaf of loose paper sheets should keep their order through five and a half centuries, even if they have spent some of that time within the protective binding of a British Library manuscript. The leaves in question are fos. The various pieces are written on different types of paper and in several hands. The last thirteen leaves each contain sixteen shields, painted four by four on coarse paper with name legends in a fifteenth-century hand.

The individual sheets, approximately by mm, are smaller than the folio volume, and are bound in five sections alternately offset. That this small and largely unknown armorial must have preserved its original order nearly intact is relatively easy to verify. The middle three sections list participants at the Peace of Arras in hence Armorial of the Peace of Arras, or APA , naming the Burgundians first, then-the mediators, and finally the French.

This congress and those who attended it are discussed in detail by Joycelyne Dickinson, 1 and the content and sequence of the list in Add Ms , correspond well with that of a later manuscript. We will leave the continentals at that and turn our attention to the English of the first and last sections — men who cannot in fact have been at Arras at that time.

We shall retain the misleading designation APA-en for these sections, which contain 64 and entries respectively. Almost 60 years ago Anthony Wagner, the late Garter King of Arms, tentatively concluded that 'heraldry was coming into use and taking formal shape for a generation or more before our first clear evidence for it. Even Wagner himself did not really put forward arguments, other than to list a handful of early armorial seals from all over Europe dated to the period from to There are least two, interconnected reasons for this reticence.

The first is the obvious shortage of data, which almost without exception come from seals. The second reason derives from the unwillingness of most scholars to speculate without having documentary evidence on which to build their hypotheses and arguments.

If we accept Wagner's conclusion though we might more appropriately call it a hypothesis—there are several families that we might expect to have adopted armo-rial emblems around or shortly after , i. But to what extent, in which order, and at which social level did this happen? The problem facing us in substantiating the hypothesis can be reformulated in more general terms: is it possible to date an adoption of arms to before it is documented?

Speculation has been engaged in for more than a hundred years. Horace Round more or less explicitly dated the adoption of the quarterly arms of Mandeville before , but as discussed below, though this dating has often been cited, it was based purely on a rough extrapolation from seal data fifty to a hundred years later. The primary aim of this paper is to investigate whether there is evidence to substantiate the adoption of arms before the date of any surviving documentation. Three sets of data were chosen to explore the possibilities.

Patrick L Thompson. Confucius: Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher, — BC. The Latin phrase, Historia est Magistra Vitae, conveys that the study of past history should serve as a lesson to the future.

The word 'history' commonly expresses events that have already taken place, and are documented as facts. Many people wish to ignore that this is a natural truth. Truth is the unabashed description of compiled facts on a subject, particularly when events in time have been recorded and produce no other outcome.

Truth differs from theory and hypothesis, wherein these latter produce only partially know events, and supposition replaces facts for understanding the topic. Until the complete facts are known, supposition takes the place of full understanding. Therefore, when knowledge is imparted to provide full understanding there is no room for non-truth. Supposition, theory and hypothesis must make an exist.



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July 4. The exhibit from the manufacturing concerns was satisfactory, the sue- pensions that occurred being ewer than the reported in and also well below both Borden, standing dwonload the upper deck, waved his hand in acknowl- edgement of the salute of the Lord Mayor, Sir Frank Wills, Who was on the quay приведенная ссылка his official robes. Speeches of welcome were delivered in the lounge room of the Royal Windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasselled and Mr.

Bor- den made a reply in carefully measured tones. Impressive was the feeling way in which more than once he used the phrase "Motherland. I trust that we have in the past given and may in the future Klve every possible evidence of our de- sire to make not isso the ties of al- legiance, but the ties of commercial in- tercourse as well, stronger.

Donald Mi-Master and a large party of Canadians. The colonial ofli. The party proceeded to the Savoy hotel. Right Hon. The announcement certainly did not come from any of the Canadian ministers. Such a matter, he added, would not even be discussed with the British admiralty. Tonight's newspapers gave greai prominence to Mr. Borden's arrival. Photographs of himself and his col- leagues are plentiful. The Royal Col- onial Institute has invited a dis- tinguished company tor Проблема windows 10 pro iso image free download меня, when it dines him.

Pnherty, at pre- sent in London, there is every windos of the marriage refer, ence case proceeding before the Privy Council and being finally disposed of during the course sindows the present month. All the counsel oonnected with the case are already in England with the exception of P.

Mlg- windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasselled, who will leave for Lon- don at once. Proctor had been proprietor since her divorce last December. The dead are:. Proctor, aired about 40; Ada Proctor, divorced wife, aged 28; Nellie Proctor, daughter, 11; Windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasselled ett Proctor, son, 9. Mother and son were asleep In the mother's room and It is believed the crazed father killed them while they slept.

The daughter fled from the room into that rented by the father, where he later sent a bullet through her brain and took his own life. Prootor wm ;, poo slghter with all I And secured ». I— Finch A Finch Aihl. II — Real Katnte Advta. II— Marine. II — Fourth of Jury at Goidstream. Augustus Joseph Brabant, which occurred at three o'clock' yesterday morning at St. Jo- ph'a hospital, the province of British Columbia loses one of the most devot- ed missionary priests who ever set foot on Western soil.

Born in Courtray, West Flanders, sixty-seven years ago. Inin compliance with the wishes of Bishop Seghers, he establish- ed the mission at Hesquoit, on the west coast of- Vancouver Island, with which his name will always be identi- fied. He remained there for thirty-four years, travelling about from one tribe to another, familiarizing himself with their daily lives and habits.

The story of his voyage in the little training schooner Surprise to found the mission at Hesrjuoit, of his perilous trips in the open Pacific ln Indian can- oes, of hs tramps over unbiased trails and missions to the various tribes, some of which received him with bless-' lugs and some with curses, is an Inter- esting one that of his life at Hesquoit, teaching the way of the Cross and the w,v "f tl'e white man to the Indian is more interesting.

It was on the windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasselled Thornton, which In after years was s. Building iatr Mission It windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasselled from the cargo of a.

Tho wreck wu found, broken, on the beach. The windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasselled tain's tasselld, burled by the Indians, had been crashed between the heavy tim- bers Of the deck load, and wo little boys and the Chinese cook, посетить страницу been washed overboard.

The wrecked hark was found useful by the missionary. It had been Intended to piii up a church of 60 feet by 26 feet, bttt all the lumber the priest needed was obtainable, and work was begun soon after landing. It was not pleasant, this work. First a email shed was built, and here all were housed. Father Rondeault and Noel Le- clairr. Many of the vic- tims were holiday excursionists. Engineer Schroeder had taken No. It was a few minutes late. The stretch or track from. Elmira to Corning is fitted for downloadd running, and he was sending his train along at sixty-five miles an hour.

He had no warning until he made out the outline of the rear coach through the fog, and then he threw on the reverse without shutting off steam. The jerk threw the train off the track, and the locomotive plunged on to splint- er the two day coaches filled with ex- cursionists and tear through the last of the Pullmans. Schroeder said the impact threw him from the cab and land.

The engine continued its plunge through the middle of the train, grinding everything in its path. Finally, blocked by the de- bris, it remained on the roadbed in the midst of the desolation It had caused, while hundreds of persons rushed in every kind of vehicle to the scene tasseleld lift the dead and Injured from the tangled mass of wreckage.

Failed to Sea Signals Schroeder, in telling his story, said he failed to see signals set against windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasselled train. The morning was foggy, and he said he could net make them out. The wrecked продолжить stood on the main track, blocked by a crippled freight train.

There was windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasselled flag out, according to Schroeder. The signals which he de- clared It was too foggy to see were just around a curve. The flying express plunged past them and crashed into the yasselled of No. Among the identified dead are Mr. Brandeis, of New York City, who were wjndows yesterday, and were on their wedding ttrp. Mexico, Jnly 4. The rebels, who had occu- pied the city for nearly five months aa their capital and base of operations, ffvarnatsrl It fnnlfhit In the ,ftra of s San.

Oso, July 4. It does n"t often happen that tho government is called upon to unseat a ruler, but It has been done in this in- stance, and one Baptist Logan becomes a common man. The' owner of this ap- pellation was big chief of the. Okanagan Lake band of Indians. Chief Logan be- came addicted to intemperate use of the white man's fire water.

Under the In- dian Act, an Indian chief can be deposed for Intemperance, incompetence or windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasselled morality. The men are asking for an increase of from BO to 5, r cents per hour. The strike will tie up all the building opera- tions. Fos- ter, W. Campbell presiding. Skinner, Sir G. Sir Max Aiken, Sir D. Morris, Sir W.

Mackenzie, Bonar Law and Lord Lansdowne. In proposing Mr. Foster's health, Lord Lansdowne uttered a wish that Sir John Macdonald could return and see the pro- gress of Canada since hasselled days of his premiership.

Speaking of Lord Lansdowne's period of governor generalship, Mr.

❿     ❿


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